About the college
Madhepur Teachers Training College, Madhepur, Madhubani, is an affiliated, self finance, co-educational institutional having Minority status. It has been established in year 2007 by Sheikh Abdul Jalil Foundation, Darbhanga. The college has started its functioning in year 2012 with intake capacity of 100 students. It is recognized by the ERC of NCTE. The college is affiliated to Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga. Presently College is imparting instruction for B.Ed.& D.El.Ed. course The institution is situated at Madhepur, a village. Madhepur is a circle falling under the jurisdiction of Jhanjharpur subdivision and Madhubani District. It is centrally located and covered a vast land including far flange area of Supaul, Madhubani and Darbhanga. It is about 60 km far from the Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga and 50 km from the District head quarter of Madhubani as well as 80 Km from Mahasetu Supaul. It is a boon for the students of vast area of the Koshi River called sorrow of Bihar. The site of the colleges is judicially selected keeping in view the present need of pollution free environment that is the demand of the day.
The college is very keen for quality education that is why it has established its quality culture by establishing Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Grievance Redresser Cell, Science Club, Eco Club, Culture Committee, Alumni Association, Students Welfare Committee and Students Council etc .Students are actively engaged in Action research, Psychological Testing, Achievement Test, Art and Craft, as well as professional training through Micro ,Macro Teaching and internship work at schools. The college has its own premises and building that caters the need of students.